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Religious Education (RE)


At WPS we believe that it is important for all pupils to have knowledge and understanding, and to be able to respond to religion and worldviews. (‘Worldview’ describes the way in which a person encounters, interprets, understands and engages with the world.) It is a statutory requirement that all children are taught RE within school regardless of their own religious or non-religious views held. ‘The teaching of RE is vitally important in a rapidly changing world.’ (Agreed Syllabus23-28- )

RE aims to provide a broad and rich curriculum that enables equal access through pedagogical decisions. RE prepares our pupils for the diversity of religious and cultural thought, which is present to them locally, nationally and globally.

The subject should explore the important role that religious and non-religious worldviews play in all human life, which through high quality teaching we aim to offer. Through our ‘religious and worldwide approach,’ our curriculum offers to prepare our pupils in gaining knowledge and understanding of, and be able to respond to, in a respectful way, the religious diversity that they will encounter from different cultures, faiths and non-religious worldviews of the modern world in which they live. This is both in their immediate environment, where they belong (home/ family/school) and in the wider community (school village, local towns, local cities).

The aim of Religious Education in our school is to help children acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions and non-religious represented in Great Britain today and worldwide. The curriculum should reflect the three types of knowledge; substantive knowledge, ways of knowing and personal knowledge. (Appendix 3) Furthermore, to enable them to have an increasing awareness of the way that worldviews, religious and non-religious beliefs shape life and behaviour, to develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and to enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In the context of today’s world, and with many holding non-religious views, we advocate that our teaching of RE should help children and young people to understand and be able to hold balanced, well-articulated and informed conversations, with the skill, independence of thought and vocabulary to “disagree agreeably and respectfully”, (resilience) about religion and belief, i.e. to be religiously literate. (see ‘Why we teach RE in school’ Power point on WPS school website)

Religious Education is taught throughout the school to all children in such a way as to reflect the overall aims, values, and philosophy of both the Agreed Syllabus and our own needs, ethos and school values; belonging, community, creativity, equality, resilience, and responsibility. It plays an important role, along with all other curriculum areas, particularly PSHCE, in promoting social awareness (belonging, community, responsibility and equality) and understanding in our children. We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world (wider community) and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences (creativity, responsibility and resilience). We include and promote British values (belonging, community), ensuring that children are aware of their rights and responsibilities (equality and responsibility) as UK citizens.

Our curriculum is designed to encourage creativity, imagination, enquiry, debate, discussion, independence equality, resilience and responsibility, and belonging within a community.