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Children start main school at Wittering in the September of the school year (Sept 1 to Aug 31) after they are four. After a short period of part-time at the start of term these children attend full-time. Many of these children will have previously attended the Spring Wittering setting but children do also join us from many other settings. There is a useful Starting School document to download at the bottom of this page.

We have a published admission number (PAN) of 60.

To apply for a school place and for more information about admissions visit 

To see the Admissions Timetable click here

New entrant children and their parents will receive an invitation to visit the school and parents have the opportunity to meet teachers and be advised of ways of helping their child to settle quickly into school.

It would be very helpful to have information before your child begins attending school. The basic details are necessary for general administration purposes and the other information is helpful to us in caring for your child in school or when we need to contact parents in emergencies. Please download the attached form, complete as fully as possible and send or bring it to school (see below for form).


Many children are admitted during the course of the year as a result of moving into the local area. Please contact the school to arrange a visit in advance if possible or arrive at the school with your child at any time for a brief introduction and to deal with the minimal formalities. Children are unable to start school until all relevant paper work has been completed.

Where possible, it is best if children start school on the day after a visit with parents. Any information that can be provided by your child's previous school will help during the first few days following admission. If you can bring any National Curriculum and Assessment Records from a previous school then please do!

If you are moving out of the area please inform the school as soon as possible so that a package of information on your child can be prepared for you to hand over to your child's next school.